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What Do African Penguins Eat Pictures of Baby African Penguins

African Penguin

Jackass penguin, Blackness-footed penguin, Greatcoat penguin

Population size

75-lxxx Thou

The African penguin is a small to medium-sized penguin with blackness-and-white plumage, serving the animal as a perfect camouflage to protect from predators. Due to the blackness feathers on their dorsum, they merge with the environs, remaining unseen for those looking down from above. Meanwhile, the white coloration on the front function of their body allows them to be unspotted by aquatic predators, looking upwards from below. The penguins have a horseshoe-shaped, white colored stripe on their face, stretching from around their eyes to their chest as well on the mentum, towards the bill. Young penguins possess gray-blue feathers, which darken as they grow up.


The primary habitat of the African penguins is rocky coastline. These birds are currently found mainly in S Africa, where they inhabit 24 islands, located betwixt Namibia and Algoa Bay, near Port Elizabeth.

African Penguin habitat map



Climate zones

Habits and Lifestyle

African penguins are both diurnal and crepuscular. By day, the birds hide in their burrows, escaping the sun. At twilight and dawn, they come out to provender. African penguins are highly social animals. Preparation is a common activity in these animals. They groom each other in club to clean the plumage, rearrange the feathers and accept off parasites. In add-on, grooming reinforces the social bond betwixt a pair. During their courtship rituals, the birds are extremely noisy, emitting loud calls, which are quite similar to these of donkeys. In guild to make clean and cool themselves, they frequently accept baths, making their bathing spots at a altitude of just a few meters from the seashore.

Nutrition and Nutrition

African penguins are carnivores (piscivores), their diet consists mainly of pilchards, round herrings, anchovies, equus caballus mackerel and other shoaling pelagic fish. The birds will too consume squid and crustaceans.

Mating Habits

Year-round, superlative occures in February

These birds are monomagous, mating once in a lifetime. They tin can utilize the same breeding sites for many years. African penguins breed all twelvemonth round with the peak period, occurring in February. Usually, the female digs a burrow or simply uses a hollow nether a rock or bush, where she lays 2 eggs, after which both the male person and the female incubate the eggs for upwards to 40 days. During the kickoff calendar month after hatching out, the chicks are fed and cared by both parents. So they join crèches or groups of other chicks, where they find protection from predators. The chicks stay with their parents, until the age of iii-5 months, after which they leave the colony and outset living independently. Male penguins are sexually mature at 5 years quondam while females - at 4 years former.


Population threats

Commercial line-fishing negatively affects the population of the species, reducing prey items and leading to food shortages. Meanwhile, the African penguins compete with Cape Fur Seals for breeding areas as well as prey items. On the other hand, the penguins are threatened by their natural predators. For example, they are prey species for seals, while their eggs and chicks are a source of nutrient for other predators of the surface area. In addition, these birds currently suffer from oil pollution.

Population number

On the IUCN Cherry-red List, the African penguin is classified as an Endangered species with decreasing population. The overall population of these penguins varies betwixt 75.000 and 80.000 birds. According to data from the yr 2008, the population in Namibia is estimated at around 5.000 convenance pairs. Meanwhile, the South African population was 21.000 convenance pairs in 2009.

Fun Facts for Kids

  • These birds use iii principal types of vocalizations: bray, yell and haw. Meanwhile, they are sometimes chosen "jackass penguins" due to braying, giving out donkey-like calls.
  • These animals are able to hold their jiff under the water for 2.5 minutes on average.
  • Above their eyes, the birds possess pink glands, which serve as thermoregulation. The claret catamenia in their glands speeds up with the increasing temperature and the glands enlarge, attaining nighttime pinkish color. Meanwhile, circulating through these glands, their blood cools downwards past the surrounding air.
  • These birds are first-class defined, able to dive as deep as 130 meters, though usually, they dive at most 30 meters on average.
  • These penguins brand long foraging trips of upward to 110 km (68 miles) at one time.
  • One time a year, returning to their colonies, these birds undergo molt, which lasts about twenty days. During this flow, they lose nearly half of their body weight, remaining on land and fasting.


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